How to fix no pen pressure or not clicking or drawing in Sai or old Photoshop (Windows)

When you can’t click or draw or have no pen pressure in Sai or old Photoshop, the issues are usually caused by the Wintab file.

If you encounter the problems above and you are using Driver, you can directly follow the steps below in the driver to eliminate the possible causes:


Step 1: Click “Software Diagnosis” in the driver settings and check the Wintab32 version. If it does not show, it means replacing the winTab file fails. Please proceed to Step 2. If it shows, then we can eliminate the WinTab files issue. Please contact Huion customer support through [email protected] for further help.

Step 2: Check the “WinTab32 associated process” and manually close these programs. Make sure to save your work before closing them.

Step 3: Click “Repair” to repair Wintab32. If “Not Running” is shown beside WinInk, click “Repair” to repair WinInk. If “Running” is shown beside WinInk, DO NOT click “Repair” to repair WinInk.

Step 4: Open the drawing software again to see if it works normally. If it can, the WinTab file caused the issue and has been solved through the steps above. However, if it still cannot work, we can eliminate the Wintab file causing the issue. Please contact Huion customer support through [email protected] for further help.

Note: For CS6 and previous versions, if the WinTab32 version is correct( showing in Step 1 but has the issues mentioned above, please directly click “Enable” to enable Wintab under Adobe PhotoShop.

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