Below are the steps to uninstall a version 15 driver from a Mac computer:
Method 1:
- Open the tablet driver.
- Click the gear icon on the upper right corner, choose the "Device tab", and click "Uninstall".
- Click "Uninstall" to confirm the uninstallation.
- You may need to enter your computer password to complete the uninstallation.
Method 2:
- Open the tablet driver
- Click "HuionTablet" from the top menu and click "Preferences"
- Click "Uninstall" on the pop-up box
- Click "Uninstall" to confirm the uninstallation.
- You may need to enter your computer password to complete the uninstallation.
It is recommended to restart your computer or re-plug your tablet if you need to reinstall the driver. Check out this article on how to install the driver: How to Install Huion Driver on MacOS.
If you need help, you can always send an email to [email protected].