What does the LED mean on the Huion Inspiroy Keydial KD200?

The status and color of the LED on the Huion Inspiroy Keydial KD200 indicate status of power, digital pen, Num key, Battery and Bluetooth.

LED Indicator for the Power/Digital Pen Status

  • A dim white light indicates the device is powered on;
  • A bright white light indicates the digital pen is moving on the workspace, or the dial controller is working;
  • The tablet is powered off when the light is off.

LED Indicator for the Num Key Status

  • A white light indicates the alternative function of the letter keys are activated.

LED Indicator for the Battery Status

  • A flashy red light indicates a low battery;
  • A red light indicates the battery is charging;
  • A green light indicates the battery is fully charged;
  • When the tablet is working via wireless connection, the light will remain dark as long as the battery is sufficient.

LED Indicator for the Bluetooth Status

  • A flashy blue light indicates the Bluetooth pairing is ongoing;
  • A blue light indicates the devices are successfully paired and connected via Bluetooth.

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