I have a problem logging in.

Having trouble logging in to your account? Is your email or password not accepted? Do your username and password not matching even when you typed it in correctly? 

Firstly, determine which of our websites you are trying to log in to. Below are our official sites:

Secondly, which of the following scenarios have you tried:

  1. Created an account to place an order.
  2. Created an account on our official site to register your Huion device.
  3. Created a ticket on our support site or posted in our forums.

If you created an account to place an order at our official online store, you can use the same account to login into our official site to register your Huion device and vice versa since both sites use the same database. However, our support site uses a separate system; thus, you need a separate account for this site. 

Please refer to this article on how to reset your password: I forgot my password. How to reset my password?

Please send an email to our support team at [email protected] with the following information for further assistance: 

  • Email connected to your account
  • Details of your login problem, including error messages, if any

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