Kamvas 22: "Display disconeccted" error with driver version 15

Hi, i've reported to tech support but I don't have an answer yet. Since I upgraded to the latest version, it keeps loosing the conection randomly, whether I turn off the display or suspend the PC. 
I've tried everything in the FAQ and support recomended practices regarding this error, but nothing works.

Is there a plan to develope another version tha fixes this situation? is there another thing I can do to fix it?

It is not a hardware issue, it is the driver for sure.

Thanks to anyone that can help me.

  • Hi Olacaci, do you still have a copy of the old driver? You can try rolling back to the old driver version. If you are not experiencing any issues with the old driver, there's no need to update to the version. 

    We have replied to your email with some steps. Please try them out and update us on the results so we'll know what caused your issue. 

    Best Regards,

    HUION Customer Support

  • Hi and thank you very much for your support. I don't have a copy for the prior driver. I only can download the two last that are published in your website but both are failing, I think I need at least one prior version to try. If you are so kind to give me a link to download other versions.

    I will try anyway the steps you give me in other thread.


  • Hi Olacaci, please try the drivers in this link: Huion Tablet Drivers for Windows. Please ensure to follow the steps in these articles:

    Best Regards,

    HUION Customer Support

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